Ibis Substitute
The Substitute Ibis is a dyed reddish pink Turkey Coquille substitute for the feathers of a Scarlet Ibis bird. The Scarlet Ibis is a bird with vibrant red feathers and is a protected species all around the world. Mainly used for traditional wet trout flies, these feathers are a fantastic creation for achieving the look of Scarlet Ibis feathers on flies.
Tail fibers are the most common use for substitute ibis feathers and these feathers have two different textures that are perfect for two different uses. At the top, the feathers hold their shape well and are generally stiffer. The bottom feathers are softer and would be ideal for using natural movement in a fly pattern.
Good examples of flies that have Substitute Ibis feathers is the Butcher, the Bloody Butcher and the Priest.
It contains 6 feathers.